Frequently asked questions from the world's largest kettlebell community.

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There are many types of kettlebells, categorized according to their characteristics and purposes. Modified kettlebells are also available with different designs and functions to meet the user's desires. Below are some types of kettlebells, choose a set according to your preference.

• Powder coated kettlebells
• Powder coated kettlebells in LB
• Competition kettlebells
• Competitive kettlebells in the fitness add-on
• Adjustable Kettlebells (10-40 LB)
• Competition kettlebells with a 33mm grip
• Adjustable competition kettlebells with 12-32 kg weight setting

There is also a starter kit with kettlebells for beginners.

Your kettlebell size requirements may depend on specific points. If you are a male beginner you will prefer to start with 8kg or 10kg weighted kettlebells. According to fitness experts, female practitioners like to start with kettlebells weighing 6 to 8 kg. In the same way, the purpose of the workout also affects your weight preferences. Check what your goal is?

What is the most popular kettlebell size?

People use these weight sets for balancing, competing, strengthening, toning, and more. The ideal and popular kettlebell size for female leg exercises is 12 kg and for men it is 12 kg. 8 to 12 kg kettlebells have been found to be perfect for women's balance and coordination exercises. Where men prefer to go with 12 to 20 kg weight kettlebells. So estimate your weight according to your gender and exercise purpose before you buy one.

We're always happy to help! Just email us at support@kettlebellkings.com or reach out to us on social media.